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擦除功能,将 Group 内的某个元素指定为橡皮擦,可以实现复杂的擦除效果,支持 2 种擦除类型。


eraser: booleanIEraserType

元素设为橡皮擦后,自身不渲染,所在 Group 内的下层元素会被它擦除。

默认橡皮擦类型为 pixel,可设为 path 提高性能。

type IEraserType =
  | 'path' // 路径eraser,高性能,使用路径裁剪后擦除
  | 'pixel' // 像素eraser,使用每个像素的透明度,可以制作出复杂的效果


橡皮擦的边界不会计算进 Group 的边界,但可以触发交互事件,不受 Group 边界影响, 除非将 hitChildren 设为 false


UI 元素



// #擦除功能 [将圆环设为橡皮擦]
import { Leafer, Group, Ellipse, Image } from 'leafer-ui'

const leafer = new Leafer({ view: window })

const group = new Group({ x: 100, y: 100, draggable: true })

const image = new Image({
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    cornerRadius: 30,
    url: '/image/leafer.jpg'

const eraser = new Ellipse({
    x: 15,
    y: 15,
    width: 70,
    height: 70,
    innerRadius: 0.5,
    fill: 'black',
    eraser: true,
    draggable: true


group.add([image, eraser])  


// #擦除功能 [将半透明的圆环设为橡皮擦]
import { Leafer, Group, Ellipse, Image } from 'leafer-ui'

const leafer = new Leafer({ view: window })

const group = new Group({ x: 100, y: 100, draggable: true })

const image = new Image({
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    cornerRadius: 30,
    url: '/image/leafer.jpg'

const eraser = new Ellipse({
    x: 15,
    y: 15,
    width: 70,
    height: 70,
    innerRadius: 0.5,
    opacity: 0.5,
    fill: 'black',
    eraser: true


group.add([image, eraser])  


// #擦除功能 [将圆形组设为橡皮擦]
import { Leafer, Group, Ellipse, Image } from 'leafer-ui'

const leafer = new Leafer({ view: window })

const group = new Group({ x: 100, y: 100 })

const eraserGroup = new Group({
    x: 20,
    y: 20,
    eraser: true

eraserGroup.add(new Ellipse({ width: 40, height: 40, fill: 'black' }))
eraserGroup.add(new Ellipse({ x: 30, y: 30, width: 30, height: 30, fill: 'black' }))

const image = new Image({
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    cornerRadius: 30,
    url: '/image/leafer.jpg'


group.add([image, eraserGroup])  


// #擦除功能 [将路径设为橡皮擦]
import { Leafer, Group, Path, Image } from 'leafer-ui'

const leafer = new Leafer({ view: window })

const group = new Group({ x: 100, y: 100 })

const eraser = new Path({
    x: 10,
    y: 10,
    scaleX: 0.08,
    scaleY: 0.08,
    path: 'M945.344 586.304c-13.056-93.44-132.48-98.048-132.48-98.048 0-29.888-39.808-47.424-39.808-47.424L201.664 440.832c-36.736 0-42.112 51.264-42.112 51.264 7.68 288 181.44 382.976 181.44 382.976l299.456 0c42.88-31.36 101.888-122.56 101.888-122.56 9.216 3.072 72.768-0.832 97.984-6.144C865.6 740.992 958.336 679.68 945.344 586.304zM365.568 825.28c-145.472-105.664-130.944-328.576-130.944-328.576l80.448 0c-44.416 126.4 43.648 285.696 55.872 307.904C383.232 826.816 365.568 825.28 365.568 825.28zM833.472 694.272c-37.568 22.272-65.152 7.68-65.152 7.68 39.04-54.4 42.112-159.296 42.112-159.296 6.848 2.304 12.288-26.048 61.312 23.744C920.768 616.128 871.04 672.064 833.472 694.272z M351.68 129.856c0 0-119.424 72.832-44.416 140.928 75.008 68.16 68.16 93.44 24.512 153.216 0 0 81.92-41.344 71.168-104.192s-89.6-94.208-72.768-137.792C347.136 138.304 351.68 129.856 351.68 129.856z M615.232 91.648c0 0-119.488 72.832-44.352 140.928 74.944 68.16 68.032 93.44 24.448 153.216 0 0 81.984-41.344 71.232-104.192-10.688-62.784-89.6-94.208-72.832-137.792C610.624 100.032 615.232 91.648 615.232 91.648z M491.136 64c0 0-74.304 6.144-88.128 78.144C389.248 214.144 435.968 240.96 471.936 276.992 507.904 312.96 492.608 380.352 452.032 427.904c0 0 72.768-25.344 89.6-94.976 16.832-69.76-17.344-94.272-52.8-134.784C453.312 157.504 456.64 83.968 491.136 64z',
    fill: 'black',
    eraser: true

const image = new Image({
    width: 100,
    height: 100,
    cornerRadius: 30,
    url: '/image/leafer.jpg'


group.add([image, eraser])  

Released under the MIT License.