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适合于想为元素增加自定义数据属性的场景。绘制复杂的效果,可以通过继承 Pen 实现。


继承 Rect

// #自定义元素 [继承 Rect]
import { IRectInputData, IRectData } from '@leafer-ui/interface'
import { Leafer, registerUI, dataProcessor, Rect, RectData, dataType } from 'leafer-ui'

// 定义数据

export interface ICustomRectInputData extends IRectInputData {
    top?: number

export interface ICustomRectData extends IRectData {
    top?: number

export class CustomRectData extends RectData implements ICustomRectData {


// 定义类

class CustomRect extends Rect {

    public get __tag() { return 'CustomRect' }

    declare public __: ICustomRectData

    declare public top: string // 增加自定义属性, 注意必须加上 declare 关键词

    constructor(data: ICustomRectInputData) {
        // ...


const leafer = new Leafer({ view: window })
const customRect = new CustomRect({ top: 50, y: 100, width: 200, height: 50, fill: 'blue', draggable: true })


继承 Pen

// #自定义元素 [继承 Pen]
import { IPenInputData, IPenData, IPen } from '@leafer-ui/interface'
import { Leafer, registerUI, dataProcessor, Pen, PenData, boundsType } from 'leafer-ui'

interface ICustomPen extends IPen {
    createShapes(): void

// 定义数据

export interface ICustomPenInputData extends IPenInputData {
    size?: number

export interface ICustomPenData extends IPenData {
    size?: number

export class CustomPenData extends PenData implements ICustomPenData {
    protected _size: number

    protected setSize(value: number): void {
        this._size = value;
        (this.__leaf as CustomPen).createShapes()

// 定义类

class CustomPen extends Pen implements ICustomPen {

    public get __tag() { return 'CustomPen' }

    declare public __: ICustomPenData

    declare public size: number // 增加自定义属性, 注意必须加上 declare 关键词

    constructor(data: ICustomPenInputData) {

    // 根据size创建组合图形
    public createShapes(): void {
        this.clear() // 清除之前创建的路径

        const { size } = this.__
        const center = size / 2

        this.setStyle({ fill: '#FF4B4B', windingRule: 'evenodd' })
        this.roundRect(0, 0, size, size, size / 3).arc(center, center, size / 4)

        this.setStyle({ x: center, y: center, fill: '#FEB027' })
        this.arc(0, 0, size / 5)


const leafer = new Leafer({ view: window })
const customPen = new CustomPen({ size: 100, fill: 'blue', draggable: true })


setTimeout(() => {
    customPen.size = 200 // 2秒后放大尺寸
}, 2000)



Released under the MIT License.