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围绕原点旋转、缩放元素,同 CSS 的 transform-origin

想围绕中心点绘制元素,请使用 around(优先级高)。


origin: IAlign | IUnitPointData

元素旋转、缩放的原点,相对元素的实际内容定位,基础元素及 Group 均支持。


// 方位
type IAlign =
  | 'top-left'
  | 'top'
  | 'top-right'
  | 'right'
  | 'bottom-right'
  | 'bottom'
  | 'bottom-left'
  | 'left'
  | 'center'

rect.origin = 'center'

// 坐标点
interface IUnitPointData {
  type?: 'percent' | 'px'
  x: number
  y: number

rect.origin = {
  type: 'percent',
  x: 0.5, // 50% width  百分比坐标点
  y: 0.5, // 50% height

rect.origin = {
  x: 50, // 50px 像素值坐标点
  y: 50, // 50px

保持原位不动,切换元素的 origin 点: localTransformsetTransform()

// 多边形原始 origin
polygon.origin = 'center'

// 切换 origind 点
const transform = { ...polygon.localTransform } // 采集 transform

polygon.origin = 'right'

polygon.setTransform(transform) // 重设 transform,会自动处理 origin 的变化



// #原点 [设置原点在中心]
import { Leafer, Rect, Frame } from 'leafer-ui'

const leafer = new Leafer({ view: window })

const rect = new Rect({
    x: 25,
    y: 25,
    width: 50,
    height: 50,
    origin: 'center', // 设置原点在中心
    draggable: true,
    fill: '#4DCB71'

leafer.add(new Frame({ width: 100, height: 100, fill: '#FF4A2C', children: [rect] }))

围绕原点缩放 1.5 倍

// #原点 [围绕原点缩放 1.5 倍]
import { Leafer, Rect, Frame } from 'leafer-ui'

const leafer = new Leafer({ view: window })

const rect = new Rect({
    x: 25,
    y: 25,
    width: 50,
    height: 50,
    origin: 'center',
    scale: 1.5, // scaleX = scaleY = 1.5
    draggable: true,
    fill: '#4DCB71'

leafer.add(new Frame({ width: 100, height: 100, fill: '#FF4A2C', children: [rect] }))

围绕原点旋转 45 度

// #原点 [围绕原点旋转 45 度]
import { Leafer, Rect, Frame } from 'leafer-ui'

const leafer = new Leafer({ view: window })

const rect = new Rect({
    x: 25,
    y: 25,
    width: 50,
    height: 50,
    origin: 'center',
    rotation: 45,
    draggable: true,
    fill: '#4DCB71'

leafer.add(new Frame({ width: 100, height: 100, fill: '#FF4A2C', children: [rect] }))

围绕原点倾斜 45 度

// #原点 [围绕原点倾斜 45 度]
import { Leafer, Rect, Frame } from 'leafer-ui'

const leafer = new Leafer({ view: window })

const rect = new Rect({
    x: 25,
    y: 25,
    width: 50,
    height: 50,
    origin: 'center',
    skewX: 45,
    draggable: true,
    fill: '#4DCB71'

leafer.add(new Frame({ width: 100, height: 100, fill: '#FF4A2C', children: [rect] }))


UI 元素

Released under the MIT License.