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需安装 运动路径插件 才能使用,另外路径动画功能 需安装 动画插件

或直接安装 leafer-game(已集成运动路径插件)。


motionPath: boolean


设为运动路径后,所在 Group 内的 其他元素可通过设置运动位置 motion 沿此路径运动, 一般会结合 around 属性重新定位元素。

motionPrecision: number

设置运动路径的精度值,用于控制提取运动路径上指定点的精度,默认为 1 (表示精确到 1px)。





// #运动路径 [沿路径运动]
import { Group, Leafer, Path, Polygon } from 'leafer-ui'
import '@leafer-in/animate' // 导入动画插件
import '@leafer-in/motion-path' // 导入运动路径插件

const leafer = new Leafer({ view: window })

const group = new Group()

const path = new Polygon({
    x: 100,
    y: 100,
    motionPath: true, // 设置为运动路径,该 Group 内的其他元素都可以沿此路径运动
    points: [0, 90, 100, 60, 200, 80, 300, 40, 375, 50, 450, 10, 550, 90, 550, 90, 0, 90],
    curve: true,
    fill: '#32cd79',

const car = new Path({
    scale: 0.05,
    fill: '#FEB027',
    around: 'bottom',
    path: 'M949.586 629.224c-2.703-2.661-4.71-7.055-5.077-10.84-1.301-13.259-1.911-26.584-2.432-39.902-0.255-6.38-1.968-9.879-9.398-10.426-9.201-0.682-18.271-3.044-27.381-4.795-8.772-1.684-14.224-8.514-12.708-15.699 1.616-7.613 8.673-11.886 17.328-10.39 9.422 1.626 18.832 3.33 28.224 4.998 2.266-8.837-0.482-14.764-9.666-20.748-26.418-17.236-55.258-29.587-85.431-37.895-33.994-9.363-68.698-16.141-103.043-24.263-3.719-0.877-7.643-2.533-10.544-4.943-38.731-32.201-80.555-59.555-125.84-81.76-39.617-19.423-82.145-25.662-125.45-28.424-46.553-2.969-92.87-0.148-138.957 6.854-21.555 3.271-41.424 11.358-59.755 22.592-28.399 17.408-56.715 35.075-83.999 54.15-15.036 10.513-29.739 14.978-47.548 10.168-8.07-2.178-16.586-2.709-24.894-4.004-10.75-1.676-18.04 2.278-19.666 10.692-1.759 9.111 3.546 15.686 14.425 17.856 2.131 0.424 4.27 0.775 6.402 1.152 0.104 0.489 0.201 0.969 0.291 1.452-8.561 3.113-17.05 6.419-25.686 9.297-19.17 6.413-21.497 9.439-21.862 29.792-0.054 2.82-0.008 5.64-0.008 9.442 12.299 0 23.845-0.052 35.396 0.011 9.849 0.052 16.351 5.089 16.69 12.78 0.358 7.993-6.497 14.054-16.427 14.179-11.541 0.145-23.085 0.034-35.627 0.034 0 15.755-0.01 30.453 0 45.163 0.012 7.541-0.179 15.08 0.149 22.604 0.238 5.251-1.482 8.45-5.623 12.222-4.171 3.805-6.077 10.349-8.244 15.977-0.971 2.52 0.017 5.747-0.198 8.628-1.697 23.276 9.365 28.266 26.937 29.975 6.879 0.668 13.728 1.563 21.403 2.45-2.97-44.323 10.278-81.655 43.859-110.492 24.57-21.091 53.398-30.794 85.846-29.73 24.153 0.786 46.087 8.406 65.902 21.902 20.16 13.718 34.877 32.001 44.318 54.527 9.258 22.093 12.073 44.983 8.279 69.174H660.11c-5.864-48.677 9.189-89.301 47.71-119.794 26.652-21.102 57.782-28.826 91.558-25.087 60.437 6.677 122.165 65.992 107.31 150.752 12.938-2.104 25.373-3.916 37.706-6.305 2.579-0.503 5.102-2.809 7.047-4.865 9.141-9.619 7.555-39.181-1.855-48.461zM275.612 469.297c28.838-41.323 63.854-70.249 113.867-78.948 2.196 29.673 4.375 59.214 6.583 89.087-40.444-3.403-79.805-6.716-120.45-10.139z m179.897 71.126c-5.494 0.317-11.013 0.055-16.524 0.055v0.078c-5.506 0-11.013 0-16.527-0.003-0.575 0-1.154-0.039-1.73-0.13-7.911-1.247-13.83-7.818-13.216-14.659 0.61-6.893 6.516-12.017 14.546-12.153 11.013-0.181 22.046-0.3 33.051-0.011 8.454 0.211 14.175 5.82 14.375 13.248 0.195 7.312-5.532 13.081-13.975 13.575z m-30.098-58.221c-2.338-32.026-4.608-63.141-6.888-94.362 103.429-11.606 190.875 22.776 269.354 89.534-87.844 19.856-174.859 9.391-262.466 4.828zM236.91 570.114c-49.771-0.016-90.786 39.783-92.253 86.639-1.697 54.596 43.161 96.574 91.545 95.173 51.424-0.008 91.141-40.06 91.079-91.851-0.053-49.787-40.393-89.944-90.371-89.961z m-0.131 125.312c-17.785 0.532-34.806-15.951-35.104-33.997-0.307-18.086 15.924-34.542 34.257-34.748 18.157-0.192 34.65 16.176 34.635 34.365-0.024 17.843-15.75 33.839-33.788 34.38zM787.66 569.923c-53.395-1.601-95.199 41.641-94.92 90.003 0.29 51.36 39.759 91.973 90.084 91.992 52.573 0.038 92.121-39.199 92.188-91.492 0.07-48.553-40.287-89.095-87.352-90.503z m-3.893 125.425c-18.762-0.355-34.274-16.08-34.2-34.674 0.072-18.189 16.564-34.166 34.977-33.883 18.123 0.27 33.8 16.151 33.739 34.193-0.055 18.402-16.424 34.702-34.516 34.364z',
    animation: { // 沿 path 运动至 100%
        style: { motion: { type: "percent", value: 1 } },
        duration: 9,
        loop: true



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